Eden Valley Watermill Community Buy-out Startup

The Watermill Little Salkeld PACT is working with and sponsoring a group of enthusiastic local volunteers who are seeking to undertake a community buy out of the famous Little Salkeld Watermill.  The current owners wish to sell it, ideally to a community group, and the buy-out team includes several experienced millers and the staff of the existing tea room.

Go to the new Eden Valley Watermill website now.

The Watermill is a much loved and well-frequented community asset as well as a successful milling business.  PACT wishes to ensure that The Watermill continues to run and develop for the benefit of the wider community.

PACT is receiving total funding of £2255 from Eden District Council's Community Fund to help get a community buy-out started.  The money will be used to set up a website and establish a separate legal entity (an IPS) by early 2013.

The IPS community team will then continue the task of producing a business plan and raising the money perhaps using a community share issue.


12 January 2013: The Eden Valley Watermill Society Limited has been registered as an Industrial and Provident Society by the FSA - see document below.  The website is under development.

June 2013: the website is now live here - www.edenvalleywatermill.org.uk

Grant funded by Eden District Council