PACT Resources and Waste

Petition photo-call with Rory Stewart

Fri, 17/12/2010 - 12:55 to Sat, 27/07/2024 - 06:51
The George Hotel

We've arranged a brief time slot to hand over our plastic bag charge petition to our MP Rory Stewart.  He will then lodge it formally at the House of Commons.

Rory can spare us a couple of minutes tomorrow at 12.55 pm  at the front of The George Hotel (where he has a meeting). Please can you confirm whether you will be able to attend? The more the merrier!

We'd love more people to come and be visible in the photo shoot.  Please contact the Resources and Waste group.

Rory Stewart MP receiving the PACT petition asking for a charge on single user carrier bags

Rory Stewart MP receiving the PACT petition asking for a charge on single user carrier bags