PACT Resources and Waste

Recycling Centres and Reuse Discussion evening

Tue, 17/04/2012 - 19:30
St Andrews Parish Rooms, Penrith

PACT Recycling and Reuse Discussion Evening

A discussion evening on the subject of Household Waste Recycling Centres and the possibilities for more reuse.

We are pleased to have Martin Allman, Waste Prevention Manager at Cumbria County Council to start the discussion. 

And Neil Buck from Eden District Council is coming to update us on what they are doing with regard to recycling.

And Chris Cant from Freegle, the local online free reuse group.

Any other official representatives welcome.

Please come and have your say!

Free - but donations towards room hire requested.  Refreshments available.

A brief PACT meeting will precede this event at 7:00pm.

Reuse in action - bring along something to give away or share

At this event, we'll have a couple of tables available for people to bring and take items.  Here's some ideas:

  • Seeds
  • Plants
  • Cakes
  • Biscuits

Please download, print and put up the poster below.

PDF icon PACT_Reuse_Discussion_170412_Poster.pdf145.11 KB